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  • Writer's picturePatrick Fluty

Au Revoir USA! Bonjour, France!

We are excited to share that we will be leaving in one month for another mission trip, this time to France. Patrick and I will be leading a group of young adults and we are very excited as well as nervous. The trip will mainly entail an English camp at a church in Southern France. Kids ages 6-13 will join us every day for 5 days at the church to participate in games, sports, arts, and STEM activities while also having an immersive way to learn English. According to the church, helping children to learn English is very desirable to French parents. The church is looking forward to initiating relationships with local families in their community and hopefully building trust.

While the trip is coming together, we have run into a few hurdles along the way. Mostly in developing our team. We are thrilled to say, that God has brought together a team of people with varying skills and passions that seems to be working out perfectly for what this camp needs. As leaders, Patrick and I have been amazed at how everyone on the team brings something unique and fills in all the gaps.

There are a few things we would love you to join us in prayer over.

-We need 10 people on this trip for all the finances to work out. Recently, we lost a member and need to replace him. Please pray that God would provide that person.

-Pray for Patrick and me as we lead this group.

-Pray for the remaining amount of money to be provided for our team. (Patrick and I do not need to raise money for this trip but if you would like to support the trip financially, see the link below)

-Pray that God would be working in the hearts of the people we will be interacting with in France and throughout travel and that we would represent Jesus well.

-Finally, pray for the hearts and minds of all the people going. While we are not going to a third-world country, there can still be a lot of darkness in these places and we need your help praying that God would draw us to himself and give us the faith and strength we all need.

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